Monday, November 7, 2011


My idea for Saturday is to have us all meet at Panera for brunch at 10:30. Some may want to head in early for sales and some may want to stay home and sleep a little later. But let's meet at 10:30 and have a great time! If you want to do something different or meet somewhere else just let me know. Thanks. Carol


moren blog said...

FYI--Panera is under construction so the parking lot is kind of a mess. There is also a craft sale Saturday morning at Henry's Catering in Foley if anyone is interested.

When you figure out when/where to meet for supper Mom will call me and let me know. My plan is to meet you all for supper then go back to the hotel for a while and visit however I will not be staying overnight. See you all then, Maggie

Angela Rae said...

I have to get little mannies through a morning routine before I can join so I will not be able to hit the early Saturday sales. Will plan to meet at Panera, so let me know if that plan changes. -Ang

Jill said...

I love that our first stop is for food!!!!