Monday, August 25, 2008

oktoberfest fun

Here are some photos of Oktoberfest festivities...Elizabeth, Andrew and cousins Bethany, Josie and Megan were able to run in the fun run...I guess it was a little too much for them. Jess got to ride his unicycle and hand out candy in the parade. And some little kids, Oliver and Kahlee, to name a couple, got to o.d. on candy...oh yea, Kerri and Linda were in the parade handing out goodies for the bank...Oliver was hoping for fly swatters but all he got was a pencil...could you work on that for next year, ladies?
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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mitchell 19 Months

Today we were on the farm. I was trying to take Mitchell's 18 month pictures (so he is 19 months who is counting?!?!) This is our favorite one.
Here is a picture of all 4 of the grandkids together. I tried setting them on the hay bale but it was a little bit too high.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Michael Phelps, Frosted Flakes, Oh My

So I was thinking since I usually post just pics today I would give you my 2 cents. Be prepared it is not a very profound 2 cents.

If you have been following the Olympics I am sure you are familiar with Michael Phelps, the USA's 8 time gold medal swimmer. Well this week Kelloggs announced that his image would be pictured on the Frosted Flakes box. Now this action has nutritionists all in a rage because it sends the wrong message to children; that frosted flakes is the real breakfast of champions instead of wheaties; a cereal with one third of the sugar and three times the fiber.

My comment to the nutritionists is ... the real message this sends to kids is 'If you avoid video games and swim 5 hours a day I guess you can eat your flakes with frosting on them if you want to'. This still leaves approximately 9,700 calories available for Wheaties. (Phelps diet allows for 10,000 daily caloric intake.)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

check out the Twins fans!

I did not even know until tonight talking to Liz, but both Oliver and Eliott were at the Twins game on Sunday! (More about Eli's game on our blog). And, they both had their pictures taken and put on the Twins website! Oliver had 2 taken, one with Mommy, one with Daddy. Here are the links to check them out!
Oliver & Liz:
Oliver & Andrew:
Eli, Chad, and Alexandra:

I bet it would have been real fun to have the two of them at the game together!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAAAA!!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reunion Money


We had $120 left over from the reunion so I donated to the Ramey Lutheran Church. They built a reception hall about a few years ago and I know they need the money so I sent it to them and put it is from the Robert and Minnie Moren Family.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

the hearding of the cats

oh are a few photos of the cool, calm cousins...even the ones who sit nicely decided to never look at the camera...anybody get any better ones????..(poor gabe, he doesn't want to be on this team any more.)
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