Saturday, December 22, 2007

So I thought after seeing everyone else's cute babies, I should put up a picture of Olives. This was last week during a bath - great time for smiles, huh, Jill?
Also, if anyone wants to check out the Toftness blog it's Come see what else is happening in our lives!..not that it's anything real spectacular, but there are some fun photos.
I'm not sure if we'll be able to make it to Madeline's, so merry Christmas to all if we don't see you..and have a merry Christmas even if we do!!


moren blog said...

PS..though I was awake at 5:55 AM today, that's not what time I posted this, contrary to what the Blog was more like 7 ish. Still crazy! Liz

moren blog said...

He is so stinkin' cute!!!! Love the pictures in the tub! If we don't see you, have a great Christmas. Let get together during my break. I don't go back until the 3rd!! YAY!!!