Friday, August 20, 2010

update on our house and grandkids

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Hello Everybody,
I didn't realize the word had gotten out about Mitchell being in the hospital over the weekend. From the looks of things it is not his appendix like we had originally thought and it is just a bad case of the flu and severe dehydration. He got sick Saturday afternoon when he was camping with Mom, Dad, Katy, Chris and the family so I went and picked him up. Saturday night he was doing a lot better and we thought it was just a 24 hour bug. By Sunday morning he was worse and his was crying that his back and stomach hurt so I took him to the ER thinking it was his appendix. They admitted him for 24 hours to observe his appendix but in running a bunch of tests they realized the back pain was from his kidneys shutting down from the dehydration and the stomach pains was just part of the flu. We came home yesterday and he is has been doing okay. He is still very drained and weak but he is definitely getting better.

We hope you are all enjoying summer and hope to see you all soon!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


This shirt was made specifically for Colton...unbelievable!
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