Last week I was in for my ultrasound. It sure seems like I had to wait long enough as I am now starting week 23. I am amazed that I never hear expecting mothers talk about their ultrasound experience as I found it to be the most amazing and interesting process. At only 22 weeks they zoom in on the little organs, most undistinguishable to the novice...this is baby's organ A, this is organ B. But some I could see, I was amazed that they can zoom in so much as to see the chambers of the heart beating away. I could pick out little radius and ulnas in the arm, femurs in the leg. When getting shots of the head we even got to see a yawn. What a blessing to see something so adorable. I was so disappointed when the appointment was over. I think Kyle and I could have watched all day. Now it will be another 4 months before we get to see baby again.
BTW - If you are interested in knowing the gender let me know, we did get a pretty clear picture. I would like to point out that God has a sense of humor because for one gender we agreed on a name immediately. For the other gender each others ideas of names have been met with rinkled up noses and questions about the other person's mental state.
I still can't figure out how this blog will throw pictures in, but the photos are of this:Photo - Look at the tiny little fingers.
Photo - Baby's Profile (my scanner thought black and white was boring so it added some color)
The pictures are awesome thanks for sharing! If you think God has a sense of humor now wait until the baby is about a year old then you will truly see the sense of humor God has. Congratulations again! Maggie, Kevin, and Mitchell
thank you so much for sharing these pictures with us!!!!they're amazing!...ohhh, i'm so excited!
thank God for the blessing of another baby in our growing family!
Oh Angie! What an exciting day to see your baby squirming inside you!! All those pokes and bumps and summersalts become even more precious when you actually get to SEE what's going on in there:) We're so excited to meet the little tyke!!
What a cutie! I think he/she looks like his/her grandma!
you are so right, hopper!
Awesome pictures, Angie. They really are clear. How exciting for both of you! Can't wait to see you carrying the baby in your arms.
so, is it a boy or a girl???
love, anna
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